Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
German — Chinese
Intelligent Manufacturing Deutscher Wortschatz
  1 2 months ago
智能製造 智能制造
智能制造(英语:Smart manufacturing)是指引入电脑整合制造以及数字信息技术的制造业。智能工厂就是典型的智能制造。智能制造中有可互操作的系统、智能自动化机器人、强大的网络安全以及联网的传感器。

智能制造(英语:Smart manufacturing)[1]是指引入电脑整合制造以及数字信息技术的制造业智能工厂就是典型的智能制造。智能制造中有可互操作的系统、智能自动化机器人、强大的网络安全以及联网的传感器。

Smart manufacturing[1] is a broad category of manufacturing that employs computer-integrated manufacturing, high levels of adaptability and rapid design changes, digital information technology, and more flexible technical workforce training.[2] Other goals sometimes include fast changes in production levels based on demand,[3][1] optimization of the supply chain,[3] efficient production and recyclability.[4] In this concept, as smart factory has interoperable systems, multi-scale dynamic modelling and simulation, intelligent automation, strong cyber security, and networked sensors.

The broad definition of smart manufacturing covers many different technologies. Some of the key technologies in the smart manufacturing movement include big data processing capabilities, industrial connectivity devices and services, and advanced robotics.[

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