漢德百科全書 | 汉德百科全书
Energy resource
Oil and gas pipelines
*****Electronic electricity meters*****Energy storage*****Largest electricity producers in Europe*****Electricity prices for private households***Winter heating equipment and simple methods***Summer cooling equipment and simple methods***Transmission system operator***Power & Energy Events***Hydrogen Energy*Nuclear power*Electrical power*Renewable energy*Low carbon economy roadmap *High-energy-consuming industries*International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor*Nuclear fusion*Oil and natural gas*Highly polluting industries*HydrogenBauxiteBiomass power plantsIron and steel companiesIron orePetroleum refineryRefuse Derived Fuel power plantsFossil thermal power plantsGeothermal power plantsGold Mine|Gold RefineriesGold reserve Manufacturers of wind turbinesNuclear power plantsCoal mining companyCoal mineCopper mineMethane hydrateMinerals Resources Waste incineratorsOil and gas pipelinesOnshore and offshore wind farmsPetrochemical companySalt mines and salt pansShale gasSilver mineSmart GridsSolar power plantsStorage power plantsCharging stationGas stationsHydroelectric power plants
Nord-Stream-Pipeline/Nord Stream/North Transgas/North European Gas Pipeline/Северный поток
Transadriatische Pipeline
Die Transadriatische Pipeline (auch Trans-Adria-Pipeline), offizieller englischer Name Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), ist eine 878 Kilometer lange Erdgaspipeline. Seit dem 31. Dezember 2020 leitet sie aserbaidschanisches Gas durch Griechenland, Albanien und das Adriatische Meer nach Süditalien.
Maghreb-Europa-Gaspipeline/Maghreb–Europe Gas Pipeline
South-Stream-Pipeline/Южный поток/Yuzhnyy potok/Южен поток/Јужни ток/ Južni tok/Déli Áramlat/Flusso Meridionale
Kraft Sibiriens/China–Russia East-Route Natural Gas pipeline/Сила Сибири/Power of Siberia/Sila Sibiri/西伯利亚力量/雅库特–哈巴罗夫斯克–符拉迪沃斯托克管道
China-Kasachstan-Ölpipeline/Kazakhstan–China oil pipeline