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Energy resource Oil and gas pipelines


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Nord-Stream-Pipeline/Nord Stream/North Transgas/North European Gas Pipeline/Северный поток
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Transmed/Trans-Mediterranean Pipeline
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Sakhalin–Khabarovsk–Vladivostok pipeline
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Alliance Pipeline
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Maghreb-Europa-Gaspipeline/Maghreb–Europe Gas Pipeline
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South-Stream-Pipeline/Южный поток/Yuzhnyy potok/Южен поток/Јужни ток/ Južni tok/Déli Áramlat/Flusso Meridionale
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Kraft Sibiriens/China–Russia East-Route Natural Gas pipeline/Сила Сибири/Power of Siberia/Sila Sibiri/西伯利亚力量/雅库特–哈巴罗夫斯克–符拉迪沃斯托克管道
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China - Zentralasien Gas-Pipeline
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China-Kasachstan-Ölpipeline/Kazakhstan–China oil pipeline

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China-Burma Öl-und Gas-Pipeline
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