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Energy resource
Geothermal power plants
*****Electronic electricity meters*****Energy storage*****Largest electricity producers in Europe*****Electricity prices for private households***Winter heating equipment and simple methods***Summer cooling equipment and simple methods***Transmission system operator***Power & Energy Events***Hydrogen Energy*Nuclear power*Electrical power*Renewable energy*Low carbon economy roadmap *High-energy-consuming industries*International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor*Nuclear fusion*Oil and natural gas*Highly polluting industries*HydrogenBauxiteBiomass power plantsIron and steel companiesIron orePetroleum refineryRefuse Derived Fuel power plantsFossil thermal power plantsGeothermal power plantsGold Mine|Gold RefineriesGold reserve Manufacturers of wind turbinesNuclear power plantsCoal mining companyCoal mineCopper mineMethane hydrateMinerals Resources Waste incineratorsOil and gas pipelinesOnshore and offshore wind farmsPetrochemical companySalt mines and salt pansShale gasSilver mineSmart GridsSolar power plantsStorage power plantsCharging stationGas stationsHydroelectric power plants
Cerro Prieto Geothermal Power Station
The Cerro Prieto Geothermal Power Station is a complex of geothermal power stations in Baja California, Mexico. It is the world’s largest complex of geothermal power stations in terms of overall size and the second-largest in terms of energy output, with an installed capacity of 820 MW.
Imperial Valley Geothermal Project
Imperial Valley Geothermal Project is a complex of eleven geothermal power stations located in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field, along the southeastern shore of the Salton Sea in the Imperial Valley of California. It is the second largest geothermal field in the United States in Northern California. Total output of 340MW.
The second largest plant in the world is the massive Larderello Complex, which is comprised of 34 plants. The net capacity of this geothermal facility is 769 MW. The first plant was constructed in 1913, making it the oldest of its kind.
Makban Geothermal Power Complex
The largest geothermal plant, with an output capacity of 458 MW, is the Makban Geothermal Power Complex. Six plants make up this complex, located in both the Laguna province and Batangas province. The Philippines possesses an excellent geothermal infrastructure, but would need to increase geothermal production by a few hundred thousand to meet 100% sustainability.
Kraftwerk Mutnovskaya/Мутновская ГеоЭС/Mutnovskaya Power Station
2003 Land Russland Standort Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Typ Entspannungsdampf Min. Quelltemperatur 250 °C (482 °F) Bohrlöcher 12 in Betrieb Max. Bohrlochtiefe 2.300 m (7.500 ft) Kombinierter Zyklus? Ja Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung? Ja Stromerzeugung Einheiten in Betrieb 2 × 25MW Maximale Kapazität 50 MW
The Geysers
The Geysers is the world's largest geothermal field, containing a complex of 18 geothermal power plants, drawing steam from more than 350 wells, located in the Mayacamas Mountains approximately 72 miles (116 km) north of San Francisco, California.