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Countries of africa
***IMF Developed countries*World's Most Livable Cities*World overviewRivers in AfricaRivers in North AmericaRivers in South AmericaRivers in asiaRivers in EuropeRivers in OceaniaMountains in AfricaMountains in AntarcticaMountains in AsiaMountains in EuropeMountains in North AmericaMountains in OceaniaMountains in South AmericaGlacierIslands in AfricaIslands in AsiaIslands in EuropeIslands in Central AmericaIslands in North AmericaIslands in OceaniaIslands in South AmericaCaribbeanKarstArtificial water channels in the worldCountries of africaNorth American countriesCountries of OceaniaCountries of South AmericaStrait of the worldTunnel of the earthVulcanWaterfallWest Indies
Republik Kenia
Amtssprache Swahili und Englisch Hauptstadt Nairobi Fläche 580.367 km² Einwohnerzahl 47.564 Millione (2019) Währung Kenia-Schilling (KES) Unabhängigkeit 12. Dezember 1963 (vom Vereinigten Königreich) Nationalhymne Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu Kfz-Kennzeichen EAK (East Africa Kenia) ISO 3166 KE, KEN, 404 Internet-TLD .ke Telefonvorwahl +254
马约特(法语:Mayotte,法语发音:[majɔt] ;马约特语:Maore;布希语:Maori),正式名称为马约特省(法语:département de Mayotte),是法国的海外省与单一领土集体,位于莫桑比克海峡,包括格朗德特尔岛、珀蒂特特尔岛以及周围一些小岛,与大科摩罗岛、昂儒昂岛、莫埃利岛共同组成科摩罗群岛。