Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

Die Academia Sinica (chin. 中央研究院, Zhōngyāng Yánjiūyuàn) ist die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften der Republik China (Taiwan).
Sie wurde 1928 noch auf dem chinesischen Festland gegründet.
中央研究院所属之研究员、副研究员与助研究员,其位阶与学术地位普遍高于一般大学教授、副教授与助理教授,由于研究要求上的落差,大学教授如想转任中央研究院研究员,通常需要降级(例如: 教授改聘为副研究员,副教授改聘为助研究员)。台湾的大学也经常借由合聘与兼任的方式,聘请中央研究院研究员充实其师资阵容与指导研究生。中央研究院院士为中华民国学术界最高荣誉,许多院士是在中央研究院担任专任研究员时当选,或是当选后兼任研究员或通信研究员,所以有相当比例的院士同时在院内担任研究员。

巴塞尔协议(英语:Basel Accords),全名是资本充足协定(Capital Accord)[a],是巴塞尔银行监理委员会成员,为了维持资本市场稳定、减少国际银行间的不公平竞争、降低银行系统信用风险和市场风险,推出的资本充足比率要求。在1988年首次订立,并于2003年作出了第二次的修订。
Die Basler Vereinbarungen beziehen sich auf die vom Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht (BCBS) herausgegebenen Vereinbarungen zur Bankenaufsicht (Empfehlungen zur Bankenregulierung).
The Basel Accords[a] refer to the banking supervision accords (recommendations on banking regulations) issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS).[1]
Basel I was developed through deliberations among central bankers from major countries. In 1988, the Basel Committee published a set of minimum capital requirements for banks. This is also known as the 1988 Basel Accord, and was enforced by law in the Group of Ten (G-10) countries in 1992. A new set of rules known as Basel II was developed and published in 2004 to supersede the Basel I accords. Basel III was a set of enhancements to in response to the financial crisis of 2007–2008. It does not supersede either Basel I or II but focuses on reforms to the Basel II framework to address specific issues, including related to the risk of a bank run.
The Basel Accords have been integrated into the consolidated Basel Framework, which comprises all of the current and forthcoming standards of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.