Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
European Union
European Union Agencies
*Founding statesEuropean Union AgenciesActing heads of government in the European UnionEU Commissioner 2014-2019EU Commissioner 2019-2024EU Commissioner 2024-2029EUREKAEuropean intervention initiativeEuropean partiesEuropean Central BankEuropean CouncilEuropean Court of AuditorsEuropean ParliamentEuropean lawCommon security and defense policyCourt of Justice of the European UnionHistory of the European UnionMember States of the European UnionSupreme Court of the Member States of the EUParliaments of the Member States of the EUPresident of the European CommissionPresident of the European ParliamentPresident of the European CouncilCouncil of the European UnionConstitution of the EU Member StatesTreaty on European UnionPresidency of the Council of the European Union
欧盟环境局 /European Environment Agency,EEA
欧盟国防局/European Defence Agency,EDA
欧盟债券市场监管机构/European Securities and Markets Authority,ESMA
欧盟性别平等问题学院/European Institute for Gender Equality,EIGE
欧盟刑警组织/European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation,Europol
欧盟援助避难事宜办公室/European Asylum Support Office,EASO
欧盟职业培训发展中心/European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training,Cedefop
欧盟疾病预防及控制中心/European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control,ECDC
教育,视听和文化执行机构/Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency,EACEA
欧盟研究理事会执行机构/European Research Council,ERC
研究执行局/Research Executive Agency,REA
创新与网络执行局/Innovation and Networks Executive Agency,INEA