Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
WE - Western art 19th century AD
*Ancient Egyptian Art*Tapestry*Brocade art*China's ceramics and porcelain*Chinese bronze art*Chinese cloisonne art*Chinese jade art*Chinese lacquer art*European bronze art*Europe's ceramics and porcelain*Photo art*Stained glass*Greco-Roman Art*Greek epoch*Industrial design*Japanese Calligraphy - Shodō*Japanese lacquer art*Japan's ceramics and porcelain*Chinese calligraphy*Engraving art*Furniture Arts*Mosaic*Oriental-Ancient Greek Art*Turkish ceramics and porcelain*Watchmaking art*Mural paintingCA - Chinese Art PrehistoryCB - Chinese Art 21st BC - 16th Century BCCC - Chinese art 16th century BC - 11th century BCCD - Chinese Art 11th Century BC - 771 BCCE - Chinese Art 771 BC - 221 BCCF - Chinese Art 221 BC - 220 ADCG - Chinese Art 220 - 581 ADCH - Chinese Art 581 - 907 ADCI - Chinese Art 907 - 1279 ADCJ - Chinese Art 1280 - 1368 ADCK - Chinese Art 1368 - 1644 ADCL - Chinese Art 1644 - 1911 ADCM - Chinese Art 1911 - Now ADWA - Western Art PrehistoryWB - Western art 15th century BC - 5th century ADWC - Western art 5th century AD - 15th century ADWD - Western art 15th century AD - 18th century ADWE - Western art 19th century ADWF - Western art 20th century ADWG - Western art 21th century AD

安第斯山脉的心脏/The Heart of the Andes

人民的裁决/The Verdict of the People

大衛·威爾基 大卫·威尔基
Sir David Wilkie RA (* 18. November 1785 in Cults in der schottischen Grafschaft Fife; † 1. Juni 1841 auf See an Bord eines Schiffes bei Gibraltar) war ein schottischer Maler.



馬穆魯克的衝鋒 马穆鲁克的冲锋
Datum 1814 Medium Öl auf Leinwand Abmessungen Höhe: 268,5 cm (105,7 Zoll); Breite: 347,5 cm (11,4 Fuß)

書蟲 书虫
Carl Spitzweg, um 1850 Öl auf Leinwand 49,5 × 26,8 cm Museum Georg Schäfer



皇帝拿破仑在杜伊勒里宫的学习/Napoléon dans son cabinet de travail