Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

German — Chinese
Architecture Baroque / Rococo architecture

布蘭尼基宮 布兰尼基宫/Pałac Branickich
坎德拉里亚教堂/Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Candelária
One July evening in 1753, Queen Lovisa Ulrika was surprised with a fantastic birthday present. In the far section of Drottningholm Palace Park, King Adolf Fredrik had secretly had a summer palace built in the Chinese style. At that time, all things Chinese were the latest fashion. The East India trading companies brought large quantities of tea, spices, silk, porcelain and exclusive works of art to Europe during the 18th century.
基督升天大教堂/Вознесенский Кафедральный Собор