Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
***Metaverse***Stargate Projekt*ACM Turing Award*Banking and financial services*IDE*IT security and data protection policy*Government3D-DruckAndroidAR/VRArtificial IntelligenceBig DataBlockchainCAD/CAE/CAM/EDA/PDM/PLMChat/Video Conferencing/PhoneCloud ComputingCMSCNCComputer Algebra System and MathematicsCRM/EAM/ERP/SRM/SCM/HCM/QM/XM/WFMCross platformData analysisDatabase management systemsPrinter/Photocopier/ScannereBookeCommercePower Engineering SoftwareDriver assistance systemsFPGAGames industryGaming ClubGraphics software and graphics tabletGraphics card/Video cardSemiconductor technologyHPCICIndustrial RobotInstant Messaging und VoIPInternet of ThingsLinux/UnixMainframeMCU MedicineMicrosoft WindowsMobile Networks Modernization of agricultureMotherboardMusic productionOperating SystemPayment SystemPCI-SIGPLC/DCS/FCS/SCADA/MES Precision Instrument/Medical Equipment/Research EquipmentProduction Engineering/Manufacturing TechnologiesProfessional media softwareProgramming language and frameworkQuantum ComputingRoot name serverSensorSmart phoneSocial networkStreaming MediaStream processorSearch Engine TCP/IP ProtocolsTuring AwardProcessing Units - CPU, GPU, APU, TPU, VPU, FPGA, QPU, IPU, PICVersion controlDistributed systemVirtualization
申威 SW26010
神威太湖之光- Sunway MPP, Sunway SW26010 260C 1.45GHz, Sunway
Site: | National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi |
Manufacturer: | NRCPC |
Cores: | 10,649,600 |
Memory: | 1,310,720 GB |
Processor: | Sunway SW26010 260C 1.45GHz |
Interconnect: | Sunway |
Performance | |
Linpack Performance (Rmax) | 93,014.6 TFlop/s |
Theoretical Peak (Rpeak) | 125,436 TFlop/s |
Nmax | 12,288,000 |
HPCG [TFlop/s] | 480.848 |
Power Consumption | |
Power: | 15,371.00 kW (Submitted) |
Power Measurement Level: | 2 |
Software | |
Operating System: | Sunway RaiseOS 2.0.5 |
Linux 操作系统
TH-IVB-FEP Cluster, Intel Xeon E5-2692 12C 2.200GHz, TH Express-2, Intel Xeon Phi 31S1P
Site: | National Super Computer Center in Guangzhou |
Manufacturer: | NUDT |
Cores: | 4,981,760 |
Memory: | 2,277,376 GB |
Processor: | Intel Xeon E5-2692v2 12C 2.2GHz |
Interconnect: | TH Express-2 |
Performance | |
Linpack Performance (Rmax) | 61,444.5 TFlop/s |
Theoretical Peak (Rpeak) | 100,679 TFlop/s |
Nmax | 9,773,000 |
Power Consumption | |
Power: | 18,482.00 kW (Submitted) |
Power Measurement Level: | 1 |
Measured Cores: | 4,981,760 |
Software | |
Operating System: | Kylin Linux |
Compiler: | icc |
Math Library: | Intel MKL-11.0.0 |
MPI: | MPICH2 with a customized GLEX channel |
Titan - Cray XK7 , Opteron 6274 16C 2.200GHz, Cray Gemini interconnect, NVIDIA K20x
Site: | DOE/SC/Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
System URL: | http://www.olcf.ornl.gov/titan/ |
Manufacturer: | Cray Inc. |
Cores: | 560,640 |
Memory: | 710,144 GB |
Processor: | Opteron 6274 16C 2.2GHz |
Interconnect: | Cray Gemini interconnect |
Performance | |
Linpack Performance (Rmax) | 17,590 TFlop/s |
Theoretical Peak (Rpeak) | 27,112.5 TFlop/s |
HPCG [TFlop/s] | 322.322 |
Power Consumption | |
Power: | 8,209.00 kW (Submitted) |
Software | |
Operating System: | Cray Linux Environment |
TOP500 ist eine Liste der 500 schnellsten Supercomputer und ihrer Kenndaten. Die Liste wird nach dem Rmax-Wert des jeweiligen Computers bei Verwendung der High-Performance LINPACK Benchmark sortiert und stellt damit eine Rangfolge der leistungsfähigsten Maschinen zur Lösung linearer Gleichungssysteme dar.
TOP500计划是针对全球已知最强大的计算机系统做出排名与详细介绍。此计划始于1993年并且一年出版两次最新的超级计算机排 名列表。每年的第一次排名公布总是在六月份的国际超级计算机会议(International Supercomputing Conference)上,而第二次排名公布则是在十一月份的超级计算会议(Supercomputing Conference)上。此计划主旨在提供一个可靠的基础去追踪与侦测高性能计算的趋势。
TOP500列表是由德国曼海姆大学的Hans Meuer、美国田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校的Jack Dongarra以及美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室的Erich Strohmaier与Horst Simon等人共同汇编的。
Intel Xeon Phi 7250 68C 1.4GHz, Aries interconnect
Manufacturer: | Cray Inc. |
Cores: | 979,968 |
Memory: | |
Processor: | Intel Xeon Phi 7250 68C 1.4GHz |
Interconnect: | Aries interconnect |
Performance | |
Linpack Performance (Rmax) | 14,137.3 TFlop/s |
Theoretical Peak (Rpeak) | 43,902.6 TFlop/s |
Nmax | 7,176,192 |
HPCG [TFlop/s] | 546.124 |
Power Consumption | |
Power: | 3,843.58 kW (Submitted) |
Software | |
Operating System: | Cray Linux Environment |