Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
Military, defense and equipment
§Anti-submarine missile§Anti-tank missile§Anti Radar Missile/Anti Radiation Missile§Anti satellite missile§Anti-aircraft missile§Glide bomb§Intercontinental ballistic missile§Short-range missile§Air-to-Surface Missile§Air-to-Air Missile§Cruise missile§Medium range missile§Gun-launched missiles§Anti-ship missile§Long-range ballistic missile***Military intelligence***Military journal*Steam frigate*Historical aircraft carriers*Historical cruisers*Historical military aircraft*Historical tanks*Historical battleships*Historical trainer aircraft*Historical sea reconnaissance aircraft*Historical Destroyers*Wars and battles*Ship of the line*Military academy*Strategy|EventsAmphibious command shipAmphibious Transport DockAmphibious aircraftNuclear submarineNuclear WeaponBallistic Missile Defense SystemFamous aerobatic teamEMALS|AAGDirected-energy weaponFirearmAircraft propulsionAircraft carrierFrigate/CorvetteSpeed of the shipGlass CockpitHospital shipIdentification Friend or Foe,IFFInfrared targeting systemIT troopCombat helicopterCombat systemCavalryCruiserLittoral Combat ShipLogistic transportAerial refuelingHovercraft DropshipMan Portable Air Defense SystemMilitary vehicleMilitary aircraftMilitary maneuvers and military competitionAmmunitionNight combat equipmentNavigation Satellite SystemTankRadarRocket launcherShip propulsionShip artilleryMaritime Reconnaissance AircraftSea mineSelf-propelled artillerySonarSporting weaponsStrategic bomberTacticsDecoy systemTorpedoTransport planeSubmarine Unmanned aircraftOffshore supply vesselVertical Launching SystemWater bombDestroyer
Besatzung 3 (Kommandant, Fahrer, Richtschütze) Länge 6,86 m, mit Kanone 9,53 m Breite 3,78 m Höhe 2,23 m Masse 46,5 Tonnen Panzerung Verbundpanzerung, Reaktivpanzerung Antrieb T-90: W-84MS 617 kW (840 PS) V12-Diesel T-90A: W-92S2 735 kW (1000 PS) T-90M: W-92S2F 831 kW (1130 PS) Federung Torsionsstab Geschwindigkeit 60–65 km/h (Straße), 40–45 km/h (Gelände) Leistung/Gewicht 15,8 kW/t (21,5 PS/t) Reichweite 375 km, 550 km mit externen Tanks
Hauptbewaffnung 1 × 125-mm-Glattrohrkanone 2A46M-2 (T-90A) bzw. 2A46M-5 (T-90M) jew. mit ATGM-Fähigkeit für 9K119 Refleks 1 × 125-mm-Glattrohrkanone 2A82 (T-90M 2017; geplant) mit zusätzlicher ATGM-Fähigkeit für 3UBK21 Sprinter Sekundärbewaffnung 1 × 7,62-mm-Maschinengewehr PKT 1 × 12,7-mm-Fla-MG
TOS-1 布拉提诺火箭炮
装甲自行榴弹炮 Type 99
VU-T10無人車 VU-T10无人车