Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

German — Chinese
Financial *China economic data

东京证券交易所/東京証券取引所/とうきょうしょうけんとりひきしょ/Tokyo Stock Exchange
人口排名前20位的国家/Top 20 countries by population
國債概況 国债概况/Overview of government debt
改善工业发展所需的基础设施/Infrastructure needed to improve industrial development
改善道路基础设施/Improve road infrastructure
Ⅰ unz. ①遗失,失落;(生命的)丧失;失败 Ⅱ (zählb) 损失,亏损
加大开发新能源的力度,减少对国外能源的依赖/Increase efforts to develop new energy sources and reduce dependence on foreign energy sources
充分利用工作和技术移民资源,弥补劳动力市场的需求/Make full use of work and skilled immigration resources to make up for labor market needs