Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

德语 — 汉语
欧洲联盟 欧洲联盟职权部门

欧盟债券市场监管机构/European Securities and Markets Authority,ESMA
欧盟性别平等问题学院/European Institute for Gender Equality,EIGE
欧盟刑警组织/European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation,Europol
欧盟援助避难事宜办公室/European Asylum Support Office,EASO
欧盟职业培训发展中心/European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training,Cedefop
欧盟疾病预防及控制中心/European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control,ECDC
教育,视听和文化执行机构/Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency,EACEA
创新与网络执行局/Innovation and Networks Executive Agency,INEA