Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
*Ancient Egyptian Art*Tapestry*Brocade art*China's ceramics and porcelain*Chinese bronze art*Chinese cloisonne art*Chinese jade art*Chinese lacquer art*European bronze art*Europe's ceramics and porcelain*Photo art*Stained glass*Greco-Roman Art*Greek epoch*Industrial design*Japanese Calligraphy - Shodō*Japanese lacquer art*Japan's ceramics and porcelain*Chinese calligraphy*Engraving art*Furniture Arts*Mosaic*Oriental-Ancient Greek Art*Turkish ceramics and porcelain*Watchmaking art*Mural paintingCA - Chinese Art PrehistoryCB - Chinese Art 21st BC - 16th Century BCCC - Chinese art 16th century BC - 11th century BCCD - Chinese Art 11th Century BC - 771 BCCE - Chinese Art 771 BC - 221 BCCF - Chinese Art 221 BC - 220 ADCG - Chinese Art 220 - 581 ADCH - Chinese Art 581 - 907 ADCI - Chinese Art 907 - 1279 ADCJ - Chinese Art 1280 - 1368 ADCK - Chinese Art 1368 - 1644 ADCL - Chinese Art 1644 - 1911 ADCM - Chinese Art 1911 - Now ADWA - Western Art PrehistoryWB - Western art 15th century BC - 5th century ADWC - Western art 5th century AD - 15th century ADWD - Western art 15th century AD - 18th century ADWE - Western art 19th century ADWF - Western art 20th century ADWG - Western art 21th century AD
启示录挂毯/Apocalypse Tapestry/Tenture de l´ Apocalypse
亚历山大的胜利/亚历山大凯旋进入巴比伦/Entrée d´ Alexandre à Babylone dit aussi Le triomphe d´ Alexandre
[拉] (罗马)幸福女神;[转,雅]幸福
Antique Flemish Tapestry
路易十四视察戈布兰制造厂/Visite de Louis XIV à la Manufacture des Gobelins
馬克西米利安的狩獵 马克西米利安的狩猎/Tenture Les Chasses de Maximilien
Datierung zwischen 1528 und 1533 Material Wolle, Seide, Gold, Silber Abmessungen Höhe: 447,2 cm (14,6 ft) ; Breite: 552,5 cm (18,1 ft) Wandteppichweber: Willem Dermoyen (fl. zwischen 1525 und 1550) Maler: Jan Tons II (1503-) Maler: Bernard van Orley (um 1491/1492-1542)
隆塞斯瓦耶斯战役/The Battle of Roncevaux
巴约挂毯/贝叶挂毯/Tapisserie de Bayeux/Bayeux Tapestry
聖母榮耀 圣母荣耀
1485 , Höhe: 205 cm; Breite: 285 cm Material: Wolle, Seide, Silber (Silberfäden und vergoldete Silberfäden) Technik: vergoldet = vergoldet (Metalltechniken)