Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
Military, defense and equipment
§***World military power§Anti-submarine missile§Anti-tank missile§Anti Radar Missile/Anti Radiation Missile§Anti satellite missile§Anti-aircraft missile§Glide bomb§Intercontinental ballistic missile§Short-range missile§Air-to-Surface Missile§Air-to-Air Missile§Cruise missile§Medium range missile§Gun-launched missiles§Anti-ship missile§Long-range ballistic missile***Military intelligence***Military journal*Steam frigate*Historical aircraft carriers*Historical cruisers*Historical military aircraft*Historical tanks*Historical battleships*Historical trainer aircraft*Historical sea reconnaissance aircraft*Historical Destroyers*Wars and battles*Ship of the line*Military academy*Strategy|EventsAmphibious command shipAmphibious Transport DockAmphibious aircraftNuclear submarineNuclear WeaponBallistic Missile Defense SystemFamous aerobatic teamEMALS|AAGDirected-energy weaponFirearmAircraft propulsionAircraft carrierFrigate/CorvetteSpeed of the shipGlass CockpitHospital shipIdentification Friend or Foe,IFFInfrared targeting systemIT troopCombat helicopterCombat systemCavalryCruiserLittoral Combat ShipLogistic transportAerial refuelingHovercraft DropshipMan Portable Air Defense SystemMilitary vehicleMilitary aircraftMilitary maneuvers and military competitionAmmunitionNight combat equipmentNavigation Satellite SystemTankRadarRocket launcherShip propulsionShip artilleryMaritime Reconnaissance AircraftSea mineSelf-propelled artillerySonarSporting weaponsStrategic bomberTacticsDecoy systemTorpedoTransport planeSubmarine Unmanned aircraftOffshore supply vesselVertical Launching SystemWater bombDestroyer
挑战者主战坦克 III
Designer/Manufacturer Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land Mass 66 tonnes (65 long tons; 73 short tons) Crew 4 (commander, gunner, loader, driver) Main armament Rheinmetall L55A1 120 mm smoothbore gun Engine Perkins CV12-9A V12 diesel 26.1 litre Transmission David Brown Santasalo TN54E epicyclic transmission (six forward, two reverse) with new component improvements. Suspension Horstman third generation Hydrogas
Besatzung 4 (Kommandant, Richtschütze, Ladeschütze, Fahrer) Länge 8,3 m (11,50 m mit Kanone) Breite 3,5 m (4,2 m mit Zusatzpanzerung) Höhe 3,04 m Masse 62,5 t Stückpreis ~ 4 Mio. £ Panzerung Dorchester-Verbundpanzerung Hauptbewaffnung 1 × 120-mm-L30A1 50 Geschosse 1 × 7,62-mm-L94A1 EX-34 1 × 7,62-mm-L37A2-Maschinengewehr 4000 Schuss Antrieb Perkins CV-12-Diesel 895 kW Federung hydropneumatisch verstellbar Geschwindigkeit 59 km/h Leistung/Gewicht 14 kW/t, 19,2 hp/t Reichweite 450 km
装甲运兵车 Titus/Véhicule Blindé de Combat d’Infanterie – VBCI