Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

German — Chinese
Science and technology Technology concepts

托卡马克/тороидальная камера с магнитными катушками
Der Tokamak ist ein torusförmiger Typ eines Fusionsreaktors, der auf der Methode des magnetischen Plasmaeinschlusses beruht. Ein Plasma aus Wasserstoffisotopen in einem torusförmigen Gefäß wird durch ein starkes Magnetfeld zusammengehalten; dieses Feld wird – anders als im Stellarator – teilweise von einem im Plasma fließenden elektrischen Strom erzeugt. Die zurzeit leistungsfähigsten Anlagen zur Entwicklung der Fusionstechnik basieren auf dem Tokamak-Prinzip.




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惯性约束聚变/Inertial confinement fusion,ICF
Als Trägheitsfusion werden Verfahren der Kernfusion bezeichnet, die für sehr kurze Zeit geeignete Bedingungen für thermonukleare Reaktionen herstellen, meist die Fusion von Deuterium und Tritium. Das Prinzip kommt bei der Wasserstoffbombe zur Anwendung, wird aber als Alternative zur Fusion mittels magnetischen Einschlusses auch als mögliche zivile Energiequelle untersucht.

Inertial Confinement Fusion: How to Make a Star

The idea for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) grew out of the decades-long effort to generate fusion burn and gain in the laboratory. Current nuclear power plants, which use fission, or the splitting of atoms to produce energy, have been pumping out electric power for more than 50 years. But achieving nuclear fusion burn and gain has not yet been demonstrated to be viable for electricity production. For fusion burn and gain to occur, a special fuel consisting of the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium must first “ignite.” A primary goal for NIF is to achieve fusion ignition, in which the energy generated from the reaction outstrips the rate at which x-ray radiation losses and electron conduction cool the implosion.

All of the energy of NIF’s 192 beams is directed inside a gold cylinder called a hohlraum, which is about the size of a dime. A tiny capsule inside the hohlraum contains atoms of deuterium (hydrogen with one neutron) and tritium (hydrogen with two neutrons) that fuel the ignition process.

NIF was designed to produce extraordinarily high temperatures and pressures—tens of millions of degrees and pressures many billion times greater than Earth’s atmosphere. These conditions currently exist only in the cores of stars and planets and in nuclear weapons. In a star, strong gravitational pressure sustains the fusion of hydrogen atoms. The light and warmth that we enjoy from the sun, a star 93 million miles away, are reminders of how well the fusion process works and the immense energy it creates.

Replicating the extreme conditions that foster the fusion process has been one of the most demanding scientific challenges of the last half-century. Physicists have pursued a variety of approaches to achieve nuclear fusion in the laboratory and to harness this potential source of unlimited energy for future power plants.

See How ICF Works for a more detailed description of inertial confinement fusion.

Recipe for a Small Star

  • Take a hollow, spherical plastic capsule about two millimeters in diameter (about the size of a small pea)
  • Fill it with 150 micrograms (less than one-millionth of a pound) of a mixture of deuterium and tritium, the two heavy isotopes of hydrogen.
  • Take a laser that for about 20 billionths of a second can generate 500 trillion watts—the equivalent of five million million 100-watt light bulbs.
  • Focus all that laser power onto the surface of the capsule.
  • Wait ten billionths of a second.
  • Result: one miniature star.

In this process the capsule and its deuterium–tritium fuel will be compressed to a density 100 times that of solid lead, and heated to more than 100 million degrees Celsius—hotter than the center of the sun. These conditions are just those required to initiate thermonuclear fusion, the energy source of stars.

By following our recipe, we would make a miniature star that lasts for a tiny fraction of a second. During its brief lifetime, it will produce energy the way the stars and the sun do, by nuclear fusion. Our little star will produce ten to 100 times more energy than we used to ignite it.

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无人机/unmanned/uninhabited/unpiloted aerial vehicle/Unbemanntes Luftfahrzeug
无人驾驶飞机简称“无人机”,英文缩写为“UAV”,是利用无线电遥控设备和自备的程序控制装置操纵的不载人飞机。从技术角度定义可以分为:无人固定翼机、无人垂直起降机  、无人飞艇、无人直升机、无人多旋翼飞行器、无人伞翼机等。 
无人机按应用领域,可分为军用与民用。军用方面,无人机分为 侦察机和靶机。民用方面,无人机+行业应用,是无人机真正的刚需;目前在航拍、农业、植保、自拍、快递运输、灾难救援、观察野生动物、监控传染病、测绘、 新闻报道、电力巡检、救灾、影视拍摄、制造浪漫等等领域的应用,大大的拓展了无人机本身的用途,发达国家也在积极扩展行业应用与发展无人机技术。
2013 年11月,中国民用航空局(CA)下发了《民用无人驾驶航空器系统驾驶员管理暂行规定》,由中国AOPA协会负责民用无人机的相关管理。根据《规定》,中 国内地无人机操作按照机型大小、飞行空域可分为11种情况,其中仅有116千克以上的无人机和4600立方米以上的飞艇在融合空域飞行由民航局管理,其余 情况,包括日渐流行的微型航拍飞行器在内的其他飞行,均由行业协会管理、或由操作手自行负责。


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氢经济/Hydrogen Economy


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空间电梯/Space elevator
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