Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
Energy resource
*****Electronic electricity meters*****Energy storage*****Largest electricity producers in Europe*****Electricity prices for private households***Winter heating equipment and simple methods***Summer cooling equipment and simple methods***Transmission system operator***Power & Energy Events***Hydrogen Energy*Nuclear power*Electrical power*Renewable energy*Low carbon economy roadmap *High-energy-consuming industries*International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor*Nuclear fusion*Oil and natural gas*Highly polluting industries*HydrogenBauxiteBiomass power plantsIron and steel companiesIron orePetroleum refineryRefuse Derived Fuel power plantsFossil thermal power plantsGeothermal power plantsGold Mine|Gold RefineriesGold reserve Manufacturers of wind turbinesNuclear power plantsCoal mining companyCoal mineCopper mineMethane hydrateMinerals Resources Waste incineratorsOil and gas pipelinesOnshore and offshore wind farmsPetrochemical companySalt mines and salt pansShale gasSilver mineSmart GridsSolar power plantsStorage power plantsCharging stationGas stationsHydroelectric power plants
巴黎协定/巴黎气候协定/Accord de Paris/Paris Agreement
概览计划中欧洲特斯拉超级充电桩位置/Overview of planned Tesla Supercharger locations in Europe
特高压直流输电/Ultra High Voltage Direct Current,UHVDC
ab 1000kV/用1000千伏及以上的电压输送电能
環境法 环境法/Environmental Law
Unter Umweltrecht versteht man die Gesamtheit der Rechtsnormen, die den Schutz der natürlichen Umwelt und die Erhaltung der Funktionsfähigkeit der Ökosysteme bezwecken.