Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
Deutsch — Chinesisch
PhpStorm Deutscher Wortschatz
  1 vor 2 Jahren
PhpStorm is another option to consider for one of the best IDE for web development. It’s focused on PHP, but front-end languages are also fully supported including HTML 5, CSS, Sass, Less, JavaScript, and more.

PhpStorm is another option to consider for one of the best IDE for web development. It’s focused on PHP, but front-end languages are also fully supported including HTML 5, CSS, Sass, Less, JavaScript, and more.

It also includes support for major software to create websites such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!, Laravek, and others.

It’s easy to navigate, has code autocomplete, debugging and testing tools as well as quick (and safe) refactoring.

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vor 2 Jahren