Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科
Deutsch — Chinesisch
Zhu Huiling Deutscher Wortschatz
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Huiling ZHU ist Professorin an der Musikhochschule der Chinesischen Universität von Hongkong in Shenzhen. Die in Shanghai geborene Mezzosopranistin Huiling ZHU absolvierte die dem Shanghai Conservatory of Music angeschlossene High School, die Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg und die Musikhochschule Stuttgart, wo sie ihre Bachelor-, Master- und Solistendiplome in den Fächern Lied und Oper erwarb.


她主演的剧目包括《卡门》《维特》《女人心》《蓝胡子公爵》《原野》等以及德奥轻歌剧。2013 年开始她也频繁在国内舞台上演唱,与国家大剧院、上海交响乐团、中央歌剧院、中央芭蕾舞团等合作《弄臣》(马德莱纳)、《安德烈谢尼埃》(贝尓西)、《汤豪塞》(维纳斯)、《西班牙时光》《卡门》以及马勒《大地之歌》等等。

17/18 演出季开始,她在余隆、张艺、汤沐海、吕绍嘉、吕嘉、张洁敏、M.霍内克、S.马尔采夫等指挥的执棒下,与中国交响乐团、中国爱乐乐团、上海交响乐团、杭州爱乐乐团、广州交响乐团、中央芭蕾舞团交响乐团、上海爱乐乐团等乐团合作马勒的第二&第三&第八交响曲、《大地之歌》和《少年魔角号》、威尔第《安魂曲》、首演叶小纲的交响曲《草原》《鲁迅》和《创世秘符》,上海交响乐团的18 年新年音乐会,中央芭蕾舞团在国家大剧院举行的19 年与20 年跨年音乐会,以及《卡门》等作品。18 年朱慧玲与慕尼黑爱乐合作了谭盾作品《慈悲颂》全球首演,继而在洛杉矶与杜达梅尔合作了该作品,在墨尔本、香港等地巡演。2017 年起,她应邀参加日内瓦联合国“世界人权日”和联合国主办的“丝绸之路”系列Gala 音乐会巡演。

除了演唱以外,她还在公益性组织德国汉堡新生代艺术家基金会任艺术总监,德国蒂门多芙音乐比赛评委,2019 年中国音乐金钟奖美声组评委。

Huiling ZHU is the Professor of School of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. The Shanghai-born mezzo-soprano, Huiling ZHU graduated from the High School affiliated to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, and Musikhochschule Stuttgart, where she made her Bachelor, Master and Soloist (Doctor) degrees of Lieder and Opera.

She made her operatic debut in Offenbach’s La Perichole in Graz (Austria) in 2003. Her repertoires include CarmenWertherCosì fan TutteBarbe-BleueRheingoldThe Wilderness etc., as well as the operettas, in different opera houses such as in Stuttgart, Zürich and Hyogo etc.

In 2013, Huiling ZHU made her opera China debut in NCPA with Les Contes d’Hoffmann. As an opera singer, she’s invited by different orchestras and opera houses in China, such as NCPA, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra (SSO), Central Opera House, singing Andrea Chénier (Bersi), Tannhäuser (Venus), L’Heure EspagnoleCarmen, etc.

From the season 17/18, under the direction of Yu Long, Zhang Yi, Tang Muhai, Lv Shaojia, Lv Jia, Zhang Jiemin, Manfred Honeck and etc., she collaborated with China Symphony Orchestra and China Philharmonic Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, Central Ballet Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra and other orchestras to perform Mahler’s No. 2, No. 3 and No. 8 Symphony, Das Liede von der Erde and Des Knaben Wunderhorn, Verdi’s Requiem di Messa, the world premiere of Xiaogang YE’s Symphonies No. 4, No. 5 and No. 6, SSO New Year’s Concert in 2018, Beijing New Year’s Concerts 2019 and 2020, etc. In 2018 Huiling ZHU joined the world premiere of Tan Dun’s The Buddha Passion as the alto solo with Munich Philharmonic, in LA (Gustavo Dudamel) and toured in Melbourne and Hong Kong. Since 2017, she was invited to participate in the Gala concerts tour of “World Human Rights Day” and the “Silk Road” organized by the United Nations in Geneva Switzerland and other countries.

Besides singing, Huiling ZHU is also the art director of the charity association Siftung Chinesische Nachwuchskünstler in Germany, the judge of the Timmendorf Music Competition in Germany, and the judge of the Chinese Music Golden Bell Awards 2019.

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